When and where are practices held?
Fall practice will be held Monday-Thursday evenings between 5pm-7pm @ McGovern Park (Intersection of Silver Spring and Sherman). During the season practices will be held Tuesday’s & Thursday’s.
How do I register my child?
You can print registration documents online by clicking the link on our registration tab or visit Neighborhood
Childrens' Sports League main website (ncslsports.org). Our home page or event calendar will provide details on upcoming registration date(s).
How do I secure a spot for my child?
The Falcon’s are filled on the first come first serve basis. The children who have been with us in the past do have priority over new players, everything past that point is first to register will make up the roster. It is pivotal that
players set on playing for the NCSL Falcons are attending events and practices to be updated about registration info
seeing that our organization does fill up fast.
Is there a weight restriction for players?
There is a weight restriction for player in skilled positions. Skilled positions (QB, FB, RB, TE, WR, or any one carrying the football). PW-90lbs, Jrs-120 lbs, Majors-160 lbs
How long do practices last?
Practices usually last between an hour and half to two hours depending on the Head Coach.
Do you practice on Saturdays?
There may be practice on Saturdays prior to the season if the Head Coach feels it is necessary.
Where are games played?
Games are played at Lincoln Park (Hampton & Green Bay) on Saturdays.
Do you have fundraisers?
In an effort to keep registration costs as low as possible for parents and families and since it does not cover all
expenses, we do have fundraisers. The fundraisers will be reasonable and should not be overbearing, but needless to say is required.
In what weather conditions do we practice and play?
Practice and games will only be cancelled when weather conditions make travel dangerous. We will practice and play in the rain unless there is lightning within 5 miles.
How much playing time will my child get?
There is no mandatory play rule in NCSL as NCSL is a highly competitive youth league. That being said, the Falcon organization has placed its own requirement to play all players at least 4 live ball situations provided the player has not missed, been late to or left early from practice once within the last two weeks of the current game and has
participated in all required drills and activities. We trust our coaches to be fair and just, but also encourage competitive play as NCSL is a highly competitive league so being late or missing practice is detrimental to the overall effort of the team.
Do you have a limit on the number of players on a team?
Yes, we do limit the size of our teams to help ensure players receive adequate playing time. The NCSL league limit is 25 players per team
When and how long is the football season?
The season begins at the end of August and usually runs about 10 weeks depending on how far the team goes into the playoffs.
Do parents have to be present at practice?
We do require one parent or guardian be present at practice.
Are coaches certified?
Yes, coaches must go through a USA Football/Heads Up certification process each season and must submit to a background check as part of the process.
How can I become a coach?
You can contact us and we will setup an interview to discuss our opportunities to build a rewarding experience for you as a volunteer.